What the critics said

"I was in children's theatre. We did the famous "Revolt of the Beavers" which seemingly almost destroyed the United States government it was so subversive."
-Jules Dassin FTP Actor/Director

"The play's theme had provoked condemnation from theater critics. "Mother Goose is no longer a rhymed escapist. She has been studying Marx; Jack and Jill lead the class revolution."

-Observed by Brooks Atkinson in the New York Times


Katie Reiser, a writer for Madison's
The Daily Page, wrote an article about the performance after her daughter and her went to see the production. She said after the performance she asked her daughter, a third grader, for her feedback:

Kathy: "What did you think of the play"

Lily: "I liked it."

Kathy: "Would you recommend it to your friends?"

Lily: "Yes."

Kathy: "What do think the message was?"

Lily: "Don't let anyone boss you around. I think I got it all, but why was 'Let's Get it Started' in it?"


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